I firmly believe practicing something creative with psychological guidance can be an enriching and fruitful experience for those who want to be resilient, efficient, and authentic. For more than 10 years I have been working as a professional artist, using analog photography, video, and performance in my practice. Through my observations and personal experience, art-making leads to a better understanding of one’s Self, and helps to deepen the connection with one’s own feelings, thoughts, and needs. By being focused on doing something creative, keeping mindfulness and presence in here and now, we can achieve a clearer state of mind and find peace within ourselves.

Art-making is a grounding, or anchoring practice for me that makes me feel optimistic, have more tangible sense in my life, and accept the complex reality by seeing the bigger picture of what is going on. Using my passion for photography, I allowed this medium to take me further. Over the last year, within my master's studies in Counseling Psychology, I have been actively doing my research on therapeutic photography and how it can be used to help others discover their inner compass and find the sources to live life to the fullest.

I am offering courses on therapeutic photography in both, group and individual formats, online and in person. The course program is mostly based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, phototherapy exercises, Carl Jung's theory of archetypes (finding your personal myth), and J. Campbell's hero's path (navigating through universal patterns of the life scenario). If you are interested in taking this journey and want to know more details, contact me via email: alexandraclod@gmail.com