
1990 / Donetsk, Ukraine An interdisciplinary artist, and psychologist.

Utilizing analog photography, video, and performance in her art practice, Alexandra explores the relations between personal and collective mythology and the modern manifestation of psychological archetypes and rituals.

Inspired by the transformative power of art, she also constructs universal narratives through social-anthropological interactions, inviting others to participate in her projects. Within her practice as a counseling psychologist, she is exploring the positive impact of creative practices on both personal self-awareness and collective coherence, creating space for process-oriented experiences using film photography.

Researching the post-postmodernist cultural paradigm, Alexandra is interested in the concept of metamodernity. So she pays special attention to dualistic perceptions, a conflict between polarities, unveiling in her works the nature of wholeness, embracing poles, and seeing beyond.

From 2007 till 2021 Alexandra was a member of the Krolikowski Art duo, sharing collaborative creative practice with Alexander Krolikowski who has similar interests and conceptual perspectives.

Interviews and publications:

2023 / Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Сollection of scientific papers “Prospects for the development of modern psychology”

2021 / IASPIS Open Night Studio interview

2020 / All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Conference proceedings “Practices of Contemporary Art as Art Therapy’s Actual Tools in the Metamodern Era”

The latest personal projects:

2023 / The Day The Sun Stands Still, Duckling Floats / HIAP program, Open Studios / Helsinki, Finland

2023 / Katabasis, multimedia project / (Re)Grounding program, Newcastle upon Tyne, The New Bridge Gallery / England

2023 / Monolith, analog video / USRP, Titanic gallery / Turku, Finland

2022 / Chasing the Deer Shadow, analog photography / Dereenacapera, Co / Cork, Ireland

2022 / Here Comes The Sun, analog photography / Cesis, Latvia

2022 / Erasing Wor(l)ds, performance / Alte Muenze / Berlin, Germany

2022 / Like a stain on the carpet, analog photography / Artisterium / Tbilisi, Georgia

2021 / The Day The Sun Stands Still, video / V Art Platform

2021 / Dumka-Shumka, Digital Art Therapy Studio, video / V Art Platform

2021 / Butterfly Effect, Digital Art Therapy Studio, video / V Art Platform

Participatory (curatorial) projects:

2023 / Photographs from the frontline / Diary of Collective Memories, participatory project / Ostriv platform / Kyiv, Ukraine

2022 / Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, audio podcast, interview / Goethe Institute / Berlin,Germany

Selected group exhibitions:

2023 / Traversing the body as a dividing line, Titanic gallery / Turku, Finland

2022 / The captured House, Port agency / Berlin — Amsterdam — Brussels

2022 / Tomorrow, Artisterium / Tbilisi, Georgia

2022 / Visums / Cesis, Latvia

Education and training:

09.2022 — 01.2024 / Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, MA in Counseling Psychology

05.2023 / Certificate “The Formation of Capitalism in Modern Europe” by Professor Jon Cowans of Rutgers University Newark

10.2022 — 01.2023 / Diploma in Jungian psychology with the All-Ireland Centre for Jungian Studies

08.2022 / Art course on photography at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg

08.2008 — 02.2014 / The Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy State University, Specialist degree obtained in Department of Social Pedagogy and Applied Psychology

Art residencies and courses attended:

2023 / HIAP / Helsinki, Finland

2023 / Re-Grounding art research residence, Newcastle upon Tyne / England

2022 / Dereenacappera art residence, Ardgroom / Co.Cork, Ireland

2022 / International Summer School of Fine Arts Salzburg, the course “UN scene. Capturing the absence by wandering” by Angela Bonadies and Brigida Maestres / Austria

2022 / RUCKA Artist Residency / Cesis, Latvia

2022 / Budapest Galeria Art Residency program / Hungary

2021 / Iaspis Art Residence / Stockholm, Sweden

Conferences and congresses:

2020 / All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Conference “The art therapy space: the art of relationship in the dance of life” / Kyiv, Ukraine (online)

2020 / All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Conference “The space of art therapy: creativity as a mirror of reality” / Kyiv, Ukraine

2019 / Congress of Cultural Activists / Kyiv, Ukraine

2014 / Congress of Cultural Activists / Kyiv, Ukraine