Here Comes The Sun
Analog photography / 2022

The artwork “Here Comes the Sun” depicts the archetypal goddess, which solemnly holds the planet Earth in her hands. In Baltic mythology, the Sun deity becomes of central importance and finds its manifestation in female form. Saule, a sun goddess in Latvia, for a long time before the Christianisation of the region was considered a mother; she is the giver of light and warmth and the controller of human time, and she determines the well-being and regeneration of all life on earth. She is raising the world as a child, up to the sun, which is a sign of giving it life and fortune.

In the same way that the Christian church (in general and in particular, since the exhibition happened at the space of St. Anna Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cesis) requires renovation, and humanistic ideas require regeneration, in the same way, the world cries to be healed, and our planet - to be cherished and taken care of.

In this photo series I also explored the role of mistakes. The stains that you can see on the images, are the result of an accidental finger cut when breaking the film’s reel for filling it into the tank. Blood reacted with the developer and fixer and left the stains, as if willing to emphasise that this world is damaged and indeed, requires a serious regeneration.

Made within RUCKA Artist Residency in Cesis, Latvia, with the support of the Artist at Risk grant program