Butterfly Effect
Video / 2021

Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.

The ancient Greeks considered the butterfly a symbol of the immortality of the soul. The psyche, the embodiment of the human soul, was imagined and depicted as a girl with butterfly wings. In Christianity, the stages of development of the butterfly symbolize life, death, and resurrection - the cyclical nature of these processes. Life is full of immense chaos, and we never know how small changes affect global processes. Thus, the "butterfly effect" can be applied to mental processes, considering the development of each individual as a guarantee of the development of all mankind.

Just as the Butterfly Nebula contains both the fading of old stars and the radiance of nascent stars, humanity today is on the verge of transition from one state to another. Change is always a pain for the past and a joy for the future, and to go through the inner transformation, you must learn to see the beauty and grandeur of this process. After all, only by realizing that everything is inextricably linked, we are able to find new ways to discover the potential of the inner universe. I combine the analog video of butterflies as living creatures, and the video data from NASA, a view of The Butterfly Nebula.

Music by Denis Panchenko (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Made as part of the Digital Art Therapy Studio V-Art project with the support of the UCF